Nail trimming can be a hassle when you’re in a hurry. And it can be a big challenge if you have limited mobility or impaired sight. In any case, it’s handy to have an automatic clipper for keeping nails tidy.
Manual nail clippers are essential tools in any manicure kit. But they aren’t effortless for everyone to use. Some people have trouble guiding them or squeezing them shut. Then, there’s the problem of the debris they leave behind.
The simple solution is to find the best automatic nail clipper for your needs. These inexpensive tools trim nails and collect the clippings at the press of a button. Moreover, most brands come in different sizes for children and adults.
Let's discuss what features make an automatic nail clipper worth having.
Features of the Best Automatic Nail Clippers

We'll use the Lil Nipper brand as an example.
Safe for All Users
First, they are designed to be safe for everyone who uses them. Instead of an open jaw with an exposed blade, these automatic clippers have a slot in the front of the case. Press your nail into the slot and slowly rotate it to the side. The device continuously snips off a sliver of the nail as you move it. Unlike flat-jawed clippers, it leaves a nice, rounded edge.
Trims Neatly
The surgical steel blade inside trims the nail for a smooth, rounded cut, and the skin never comes in contact with the blade.
Furthermore, in most cases, users don't need to file afterward. The medical-grade blade cuts effortlessly and efficiently.
Thoughtfully Designed for Different Needs
Second, these automatic nail clippers come in infant, child, and adult sizes. The colorful case has a textured, grippy exterior that’s comfortable to hold in the palm of the hand. The materials are also antimicrobial to prevent cross-contamination.
Fortunately, the clipper makes very little noise. We appreciate that fact when cutting children’s nails.
Moreover, the clipper has a bright LED light to use the device at night. This feature is also helpful for those with vision impairment.
No Mess
Lastly, the trimmings are kept inside the clipper. Slide out the bottom panel and empty the collection box occasionally to dispose of debris. That’s even more convenient than using a tabletop vacuum to manage clippings.
Since this is a rechargeable automatic nail clipper, you'll need to charge it when the LED starts blinking. It comes with a USB cable, so you only need a power source like a USB port on a laptop or a phone charger.
However, Not Waterproof
If there’s any downside, it’s that the clipper cannot be exposed to water. But if there are any issues, the manufacturer offers a hassle-free return guarantee.
Although automatic nail clippers are typically inexpensive, some people still prefer manual clippers for toenails. That's because toenails don't always fit in the opening of the automatic nail trimmer.
Let’s discuss alternate ways to trim nails without an automatic nail clipper.
Effective Ways to Trim Nails Manually
Some people have nails that are difficult to trim due to their size, thickness, or shape. If the power goes out and you don't have a way to recharge an automatic clipper, you'll need manual manicure tools.
Different Types of Clippers
At a minimum, it's good to have regular clippers with a jaw large enough to handle your largest nails. Also, note that some clippers have a flat jaw, and others are curved.
Fingernail Scissors
But clippers aren’t the only option when it comes to trimming nails. You can also use fingernail scissors. For best results, use the curved side to follow the curve of your fingertip as you cut.
If you soak your nails for 5 minutes in warm water first, it's easier to trim them. Remember that they will "shrink" after you cut them once fully dry. Therefore, don't trim too close to the skin. Leave a thin stripe of white at the tips.
You may have seen someone trimming nails with a pocket knife or a similar blade in movies. This is not recommended! Instead, it's easy to trim the excess with a nail file. It may take longer to file nails than to clip or cut them, but it's safer!
Nail File
How do you use a nail file to trim your nails without cutting them first?
First, the nails must be completely dry. If you soak them to remove hangnails or push back cuticles, let your hands dry before filing them.
Then, choose the best nail file for your situation. Metal files are not recommended for natural nails. Also, avoid using anything below 180-grit on natural nails. Opt for 220 or 240-grit instead.
Start at the outer edge of the nail and move the file toward the center. Don't saw back and forth. Switch to the other side of the finger as needed to keep the nail even.
Once you’re satisfied with the length, wipe or rinse off the debris and apply cuticle oil for healthy fingertips.
When and How to Sanitize Manicure Tools
You're wise if you're concerned about nail fungus, bacteria, and other nasty things. Thankfully, it's easy to sanitize most manicure tools.
Metal clippers and scissors, glass files, and wooden cuticle sticks can be soaked in 70% rubbing alcohol for 5 minutes, then left to dry before storing. The alcohol kills the microbes that could cause infections or fungus.
But automatic nail clippers are a different story. Since the blade is sealed inside and the clipper can’t be exposed to liquids, it’s impossible to sanitize. On the bright side, some manufacturers use antimicrobial materials for this very reason.
Finally, you can also protect yourself by washing your hands or sanitizing them with alcohol before trimming your nails.
Automatic nail clippers are a nearly effortless way to keep your nails neat. Not only can they help parents manage children's nails and provide disabled people with more independence, but they are also just plain convenient!
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