Manicure and pedicure, which do you go for, a care free pure grooming or a beautiful nail polish?
Do you always have these questions pondering in your mind?
- Where to find the perfect brush-away for nails?
- How to put on beautiful nail colors?
- How to change my nail colors?
- What are the skills I need to groom my nails or put on beautiful nail colors?
In fact, other than the perfect skills you have, you truly need a perfect set of tools like a nail brush.
In grooming or non-polish manicure/pedicure, nail brushes are an essential piece when it comes to maintaining your nails. A good and functional brush of built with quality materials is important for maintaining the cleanliness of the nails. And the quality is important as the right product will last years before it needs to be replaced.
High quality nail brushes will have guarantee for your nails’ protection and care.
In polish manicure/pedicure, having the wrong brush to put on nail colors will result in “dirty” nail colors and in fact is time consuming to polish with a wrong brush. Those hard and crooked nail brushes from cheap nail polishes is not a good choice. Try to put your investment to a good nail brush is the first step to any DIY manicure or pedicure. Even you have a good set of tools but when it comes to putting on colors and you do not acquire the good set of brushes, your nail colors on your nails are gone forever. To be exact, without a good brush, there is no beautiful nail colors.
Yes, the secret to putting on beautiful nail colors is having a good fine nail brush along with the nail polish that you bought. So what are the brands of nail polish that comes along with it with a really good obedient brush?
Other than putting on plain colors on nails, you may like to take the time to add on fancy to your nails by doing nail art on them. Simple nail arts from dotting Pokka dots to drawing stripes can be easily learnt and applied onto individual nails.
Nail Art Pens Come in 2 Types: Brush and hard Tip
Type 1: Brush nail art pen is the most preferred nail art pen by nail experts as it can be used in various ways by their techniques. And it is not boring too.
Type 2: Hard tip nail art pen is specially designed for newbies and DIY working people. Those hard tip nail art pens may not be good in drawing curves but they are a very good choice for tipping on Pokka dots, taking onto account that one uses the hard tip nail brushes with smart moves.
The most popular color of nail art pen is often white as it matches the base color of many nails.
Other than the nail art pens. There are a number of brushes for drawing nail art on finger nails. They are:
- liner brush,
- shader brush,
- fan brush,
- marbler brush,
- crooked detailer brush,
- detailer brush,
- stripette brush,
- striper brush,
- angular brush and
- grass comb brush.
And what are each for?
Liner brush

Liner brush is a type of brush that has a short, round point with only a few bristles.
It is excellent for short strokes, a liner brush can be used to draw smile lines and details. It’s great for outlining images and adding contours.
Shader brush

Shader brush is a type of brush that is short, with a square/blunt end.
The Shader Brush is great for backgrounds and painting larger details. This brush is versatile in that it can be loaded with two different colors on each side.
Fan brush

It's a medium length bristle, it’s flat, fanned bristles.
The fan brush has many functions, it helps create airbrush effects; streaks; mix of colors on brush and is great for creating gradient effects too. Particularly great for shading, creating swirls and when working with glitter. It can also be used in brushing off excess flocking powder or glitter too.
Marbler brush

Marbler brush is a nail art brush that is quite thick and rounded, which narrow to a pointed tip.
Zigzags or swirls, the marbler brush can mix and blend colors together in an interesting design. Whether the colors are swirled on the nail plate or in a water solution, the marbler blends colors in a free, uneven pattern. The Marbler can also be used to make dot flowers.
Crooked detailer brush

It is a angled shaft; with a short length round brush, that has uneven bristles.
Providing an angular tip, this brush easily paints fine details and outlines. It can also be used in a more upright position and can be used to add highlights.
Detailer brush

Detailer brush short bristles, flat composition, with the brush graduating to a tip at the end.
The detailer brush can be used for intricate work and is especially suited to drawing delicate flowers. Flower petals can easily be painted by placing the brush flat and lifting it straight up.
Striper brush

Striper brush has very long bristles, is a generally fine brush without too many bristles; round and pointed tip.
Efficient for elongated lines, the striper brush creates long vertical or horizontal lines. Thick or thin lines; elongated; thickness of lines depends on amount of paint on bristles and thickness of brush.
Stripette brush

It is a shorter version of the striper brush, creates vertical and horizontal lines instead in shorter strokes.
A shorter version of the striper brush, the stripette creates the same vertical and horizontal lines but in shorter strokes. The stripette is great for drawing wisps and netting and creating finer detail when painting in your lines.
Grass comb brush

Grass comb brush is a short, flat, separated bristles with uneven lengths.
For detailed dry brush techniques, this brush has separated bristles for easy application. It creates an airbrushed effect with a swipe of the brush.
Great for dry brush techniques; airbrush effects, grass, feathers and leaves.
Angular brush

It is a short, flat, angled brush; cut at forty-five degree angle.
Its angled head helps you create intricate detailed designs. Bristles are cut at a 45° angle for control when drawing at a slant. Perfect for creating slants and angled shapes.
Best nail brush for gel manicure have more of a flat - tongue shape. It helps in even and precise spreading of the gel, regardless if it has a very thick or thin consistency. These brushes can be made out of different kinds of bristles (synthetic or natural) and come in a number of sizes (most popular are between 4 and 8 mm wide). Bristles can be cut: on an angle, in oval, or with a pointy end. Every stylist can find a perfect brush according to their preference.
Some people loves to change their nail colors frequently and so how do they do it?
They need to remove the nail polish on their nails using acetone nail polish remover. The materials needed are just cotton wool, wooden sticks and the remover.
First tear off some cotton wool from the whole crump of wool and dip it inside the press down auto release acetone, dap it wet and put on the dry polished nails for 1 minute (time is dependent on the length of time the finished nail colors has stayed on your nails; longest time needed is at 1 min) and put on a second dap wet cotton wool onto the overlying cotton and slowly rub the nail polish off.
Do this on every finger starting from the biggest finger. After doing this step, there may still be nail polish left on the inner hard cuticles of your fingers. Now, you can choose to take a wooden stick and roll it on with cotton wool. Similarly, dipped it in the acetone and tap-rub on the inner cuticles.
After above 2 steps are done, you have removed the nail polish on your nails.
Let your nails breathe for some time before putting on second round of nail colors.
You can also choose to put on some cuticle oil or moisturizer to smoothen your dry nails.
In conclusion, today’s topic we touch on nail brushes for grooming, nail polishing, nail art and gel nails. These are the types of brushes that we need in the modern day today to look clean and beautiful. Materials needed for the TIPS and all nail brushes can be easily purchased at DTK NAILS SUPPLY.