Dirty and yellow nails can be extremely disgusting, mostly if you wish to leave your nails for sometimes before applying nail polish. Basically, you only need a sensible manicure to protect and get rids of yellow nails because nail varnish is quite simple.
It is well known that no one is perfect; at times our body reacts to the things we wear which could make us look rough sometimes.
Therefore, this also relates to our nails if you don't give them breathing space, and when we apply much nail varnish, it may change our nail colors and might cause many bacteria to your nails. But this is nothing to worry about because it can be easily amended with a few quick, easy and convenient tips.
Let’s consider the best ways to get rid of yellow nails:
Avoid too much dark nail polish

This way is the widely known process to get rid of yellow nails. Obviously, we are always familiar with using little black or dark Navy varnish, but using much dark nail varnish might change your nail color. Therefore, try to change your choice of color to something cool or light or probably abstain from varnish.
Also, you can also stay away from varnish for 3-4 days every week. Abstaining from nail varnish for few days will enable your nails to be exposed to warm breeze before applying varnish over again.
Daily application of base coat

However this may sound, there are reasons for using base coats, that is why all nail producers always put one or more brands to your request.
While you apply a base coat it indicates that you are adding a preventive layer amid your nails and the varnish to prevent nail blemish, keeps your nails in good health and strengthen your nails against discoloration. This way is pretty important to get rid of yellow nails.
Remove the exposed top layer with a buffing board

This way can be used whenever you notice changes in your nails color, then try to get rid of some of the top layer with a buffing board.
With this method, you must avoid much buffing so that your nails will remain fragile as possible. Initially, this will also scrape away strange nail color when it is not much.
Apply lemon juice on your nail

Lemon juice is a natural cleansing agent which you can use to get rid of yellow nails without panic. However, there are two different procedures for applying lemon juice on the nails.
Normal lemon: you can either opt for normal lemon to remove yellow nails.
Cut your lemon into two equal sizes, take a part of the lemon to massage each nails for 30-60 seconds.
Soaked cotton pad: you can also soak a cotton pad with your lemon juice, and then allow your nails to rest in the lemon juice for 10-30 minutes before washing your nails with water. However, you can re-do these two methods often to achieve the best results.
Lemon juice application is less acidic, so don't be scared to put your nails in the lemon for long. This therefore makes it another great way to get rid of yellow nails.
3% hydrogen peroxide diluted with water then buff with toothpaste

For this method, get a water diluted hydrogen peroxide, then put the toothpaste into the diluted content and massage it on your nails. You can use this content as a soak by putting your nails into the contents for 1-10 Minutes or until the nail discolored disappears.
Dissolve denture wiping tablets

Although, these tablets are purposely produced for cleaning and for teeth whitening, they can also be used for nails cleaning too. This application is easy and simple to use on nails. All you need to do is to ensure that your choice number of tablet dissolves in water, then dip your fingernails into it for 10-15 minutes.
Then, keep your nails to patch before applying some kind of hand cream for better result. You can also re-do this process thrice per week for 30 to 60 days.
Apply nail whitening pencil or scrub for fast fixing

You can also use a nail whitening pen or buff if you are trying to abstain from nail varnish but can't stand moving round with yellow nails.
The whitening pen could be a flowery nail white pen which you can get at your local store for quick results. This process can be applied to your nails to get rid of nail yellow.
Use tea tree oil on your nails

If the nails damage is not as a result of the nail varnish, it might be a bacterium that is affecting your nails and this could be the reason for the discoloration. To get rid of this predicament within your home, follow these procedures:
Apply a tea tree on your nails bed.
Allow it dissolve for two minutes, then wash with lukewarm water to achieve the best results.
You can repeat this methods two times a day for few month until you discover changes in your nails.
Use a sliced nail-shaped teeth whitening strips and let them work wonders

This method may require much energy to cut the teeth strip to suit your nails. The price of the lines to use might be costly but it will surely get rid of yellow nails in a little time.
The main aim of applying a calm whitener like teeth whitening is purposely to whiten your nails and get rid of nails yellow.
Use fruits

If you’re of the belief that anything can be fixed with food, then you’ll love this method. Apart from the lemon application, you can also use fruits like oranges and berries to get rid of yellow nails.
Using Oranges:
Peel the orange and keep the orange peel.
Ensure that the orange peel is fresh every day, and then use the orange peel to massage your nails for two to three times every day.
Using Berries:
Get a bowl of Lukewarm water.
Put a teaspoon of these berries into the water.
Leave for few minutes, and then massage it on your nails before you go to bed every night.
Basically, those that love to eat will really love this method to get rid of nails yellow and to make your nails to have a pleasant and adorable scent.
Nail care is an essential aspect of hygiene that should not be taken for granted. Application of the simple, quick fix method for yellow nails removal will give you the clean and flawless nail you desire.