Were you born between April 19th and May 20th? Then, it’s time to celebrate Taurus season 2025 with beautiful nail art ideas!
Although its Zodiac symbol is a bull, this sign is ruled over by Venus. This combination blends earthy and practical energy with a love of the finer things in life. And just like the bull is stubborn, Taureans are loyal, persistent, and trustworthy. As you might imagine, these excellent characteristics make for gorgeous Taurus nail designs. Let’s enjoy this season in style!
Taurus Season Nail Art Ideas
Zodiac Nails for Taurus

First, let’s venture out into the universe and view Taurus in the sky. You could paint galaxy nails with the Taurus symbol ♉ and stars to carry a piece of cosmic history with you. Did you know that it’s one of the oldest known constellations? It used to mark the Sun’s location during the spring equinox in the Bronze Age, about four thousand years ago.
Taurus resembles a bull’s head because of its Latin name and its importance in various ancient mythologies from Sumer to Rome.
Green Chrome Taurus Nails

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love. Have you heard the Greek myth about Zeus and Europa, the princess of Phoenicia? The Greek God had a crush on Europa and wanted to win her heart. He disguised himself as a handsome bull and tricked her into sitting on his back. Then, he kidnapped her to Crete, where they had three children. That's not exactly the story of a model romance, but it illustrates the sensual nature of Taurus.
Taureans aren’t just into love. They also appreciate beautiful music, art, and anything luxurious. That includes beautiful nails. So, it’s a great time to pamper yourself and enjoy soft green chrome nails like these. They’re perfect for a springtime manicure.
Have you done chrome nails before? They are surprisingly straightforward if you are set up to do gel manicures. Once the base color is cured, apply the chrome powder with the applicator. It resembles eyeshadow and goes on smoothly. Finish with the top coat and voilà!
DND Gel Nail Polish Duo - 1003 Peace In The Pines

GSD201 - LAVIS Chrome Powder AURORA 01

Luxurious Blue Nails

As we were saying, Taureans enjoy high-quality material possessions. But we’re not talking about Leo—Taurus doesn’t need to flaunt what they’ve got. Instead, this ambitious group focuses on saving and using money wisely. We wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Taurus learned to do their own nails and came up with a stunning mani like this one.
Gold, Green, and Pink Spring Nails

Of course, doing your own nails requires persistence and determination. Those are qualities that Taurus has in spades. Once the Bull sets its mind on a goal, watch out! They will pursue it until they achieve success.
Some call it stubbornness, but we call it focus and resilience. Taurus knows how to play the long game. And that's the exact quality you need to master nail art.
Patience is vital when doing a manicure like this one. Each layer needs to dry completely before adding the next. It takes a steady hand to paint the delicate swirls.
LDS BP - 10 - Blossom Pink Collection

LDS Gel Polish 072 - Green Colors - Greenery

LDS Gel Polish 104 - Green Colors - Wanderlust

Blue and Gold Marble Nails

Like marble is a part of the earth, Taureans are grounded and practical. They have a knack for rationally dealing with real-world matters and are known for their common-sense approach to life.
Moreover, similar to stone, stability is a key Taurus trait. They value security and prefer a predictable environment in their personal and professional lives.
Reliability and trustworthiness are also key traits of this Zodiac sign. They keep their promises and can be counted on to follow through on their commitments.
Celestial Nails

Get into the zodiac spirit of spring with pink and green celestial nails. Green symbolizes growth, stability, and a connection to nature. It’s a color that aligns perfectly with Taurus's energy. When surrounded by green, Taurus feels calm and in tune because it helps them stay grounded.
Meanwhile, pink represents love and compassion, complementing Taurus’ supportive and understanding nature. Taureans are caring peacemakers. Wearing pink can boost their confidence and grant them a feeling of security, helping them live their best lives.
The silver stars are the icing on top of this exquisite spring nail design. They remind us that no matter what our sign is, we are all made of stardust from the same glorious sky.
LDS BP - 10 - Blossom Pink Collection

LDS GW - 01 - Gentle White Collection

GSD203 - LAVIS Chrome Powder AURORA 03

LDS Gel Polish 072 - Green Colors - Greenery

Green Aura Nails

Aura nails are trending this year. It’s a lovely time to wear them to honor Taurus. A green aura signifies growth, balance, healing, and harmony. It reflects an empathic person’s compassion and connection to nature.
Like the Taurus zodiac sign, people with a green aura are grounded and practical. They appreciate a constant rhythm and find relief in the natural world.
Moreover, green auras reflect a nurturing personality with a natural ability to soothe and heal others. They often strike a balance between emotions and logic.
Milky White and Blue Nails

Milky white nails and blue nails are also on point for 2025. Together, they have a special meaning for Taurus. White stands for purity, simplicity, and delicacy, aligning with Taurus’ appreciation for subtle beauty. It’s linked to mental clarity and a sense of calm. Taureans benefit from this clear-headedness in decision-making.
At the same time, blue is associated with intelligence, sensitivity, and spiritual openness. For example, people with a blue aura are excellent communicators and possess a calming presence that soothes others. Their intuition is strong, even if they may not always understand the source of their instincts. A blue aura is a relaxed, receptive energy that sees the bigger picture and appreciates balance. Of course, as an Earth sign, Taurus resonates with blue’s grounding energy.
As Taurus season unfolds, treat yourself to new spring colors for your nails. Express your zodiac sign’s energy through nail art and celebrate your unique personality with Taurean confidence!
Now’s a great time to stock up on nail supplies. For every order over $75, enjoy free shipping! Let your nails reflect your Taurus spirit, and step into this season with style and confidence.